A full IT audit may be required depending on the complexity of the system and the wishes of the client. Although it is chargeable it is highly beneficial to the business.
By using the full IT audit process, We are able to provide a quote prior to making any changes. (There is a motoring analogy, whereby someone who knows that their car requires tyres, discs and brake pads and gets that work done for £800 before going for an MOT, only to be told that the chassis is twisted and the car should be scrapped… could have saved £760.00 with a £40.00 MOT).
We look at every aspect of the Business in terms of IT and look for reliances where a company is reliant on a certain device/software to be working in order to continue day to day business. What is the impact if such a device or peace of software was to fail? What disaster recovery plan can be put in place should this occur?
Disaster Recovery Planning plays a large part in our IT Audit as it more than just ensuring the data is backed up. At CBITS we go further and see your Disaster Recovery Plan as a Business Backup Plan and therefore incorporate that into our IT Audit.
The IT Audit also gives us a better understanding of how the business operates we perform a full IT Audit of a business and cover all aspects which includes
- Broadband
- Speed Test
- Upload and download
- Cost
- Routers and Switches
- Internal Network Speed
- Cable Quality
- Servers
- Roles / Services
- Hard Disks
- Memory
- Processor
- Network Cards
- Operating System
- Desktops / Laptops
- Hard Disks
- Memory
- Processor
- Network Cards
- Operating System
- Disaster Recovery
- Onsite Recovery (Quick Restore)
- Offsite Backup (Snapshot)
- Device Reliance Check
- Security Software
- Supplier
- Level of Cover/Management (Mail/Anti-Virus/Encryption)
- Cost
- Printers / Multi-Functional Devices
- Make/Model Compatibility
- Running Costs
- Accessibility
- Mobile Phones
- Make/Model Compatibility
- Monthly Costs / Packages
The aim of a full IT Audit is to determine the operational effectiveness of the full system from mouse to server and also covers all peripheral equipment and hardware and software issues, including incorrect configuration and redundancy. The written report will be detailed and broken down into work/actions that are 1/essential and 2/recommended.